The internal air handlers are designed to be whisper quiet [bedroom operation].

Our DIY systems are ultra-quiet because they were ‘specifically designed’ for strata properties and condos and are inaudible from anywhere within the building.

The maximum rated sound level for the outside compressor(s):

Single Zones (dBA)
12K (45)
18K (58)
24K (60)
36K (64)

Multi Zones (dBA)
27K (63)
36K (64)

It’s rare to run at maximum because once the internal set point has been reached, the compressor will shut down. We can say with certainty that when the compressor only needs to maintain equilibrium, the noise level is considerably less – akin to a quiet whisper. 

So we could say the rated range is from a quiet whisper (30 dBA) to normal conversation at 3 feet (64 dBA).

Homes are generally a set distance apart from one another. If we say 24 feet for easy math – we can apply the inverse square law as follows:

18K = dBA (58 – 18) = 40 dBA (sound of a quiet refrigerator)

27K = dBA (63 – 18) = 45 dBA (faint rainfall)

This is the noise level outside “standing outside”. If an occupant was standing within the building – it would be significantly less because you’d need to account for double glazing and building insulation. This would reduce the sound level by a further 30 – 50% – making them inaudible to anyone inside the building.

This video shows one of our compressors running on maximum – this unit is the largest we sell (36K) – it is self-evident that I can easily talk over the top of it.